Rates for documents delivery within CIS & Worldwide

Tariff for the documents delivery within CIS countries and worldwide, 
Delivery time is 8-16 working days.

Weight Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 10 Zone 11 Zone 12 Zone 13
0,5 6588 8888 17272
1 7401 10317 19683
35875 28140

Documents are paper correspondence weighing up to 1 kg and consisting of A4 sheets.

Tariff zones  

Albania 13 Cook Islands 11 Indonesia 6 Mozambique 11 Serbia 13
Algeria 11 Costa Rica 9 Iraq 7 Namibia 11 Seychelles 11
American Samoa 11 Croatia 13 Ireland 12 Nepal 7 Singapore 5
Andorra 12 Curacao 10 Israel 7 Netherlands 12 Sint Eustatius 10
Angola 11 Cyprus 7 Italy 12 Netherlands Antilles 10 Slovakia 13
Anguilla 10 Czech Republic 13 Ivory Coast 11 Nevis 11 Slovenia 13
Antigua 10 Democratic Republic of the Congo 11 Jamaica 10 New Caledonia 11 Spain 12
Argentina 9 Denmark 13 Japan 5 New Zealand 13 Sri Lanka 7
Armenia 13 Djibouti 11 Jordan 7 Nicaragua 9 Suriname 9
Aruba 10 Dominica 10 Kazakhstan 0 Niger 11 Swaziland 11
Australia 13 Dominican Republic 10 Kenya 11 Nigeria 11 Sweden 13
Austria 13 Ecuador 9 Korea, South 6 Northern Ireland 13 Switzerland 12
Azerbaijan 13 Egypt 7 Kuwait 7 Norway 13 Syria 7
Bahrain 7 El Salvador 9 Kyrgyzstan 2 Oman 7 Tahiti 11
Bangladesh 7 Eritrea 11 Laos 6 Pakistan 7 Taiwan 5
Barbados 10 Estonia 13 Latvia 13 Palau 11 Tanzania 11
Barbuda 10 Ethiopia 11 Lebanon 7 Palestine 7 Thailand 5
Belarus 2 Faroe Islands 12 Lesotho 11 Panama 9 The Bahamas 10
Belgium 12 Fiji 11 Liberia 11 Papua New Guinea 11 Togo 11
Belize 9 Finland 13 Libya 11 Paraguay 9 Tonga 11
Benin 11 France 12 Liechtenstein 12 Peru 9 Trinidad and Tobago 10
Bermuda Islands 8 French Guiana 9 Lithuania 13 Philippines 6 Tunisia 11
Bhutan 7 French Polynesia 11 Luxembourg 12 Poland 13 Turkey 13
Bolivia 9 Gabon 11 Macaou 5 Portugal 13 Turks and Caicos Islands 10
Bonaire 10 Gambia 11 Macedonia 13 Puerto Rico 4 UAE 7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 Georgia 13 Madagascar 11 Qatar 7 Uganda 11
Botswana 11 Germany 12 Malawi 11 Republic of South Africa 11 United Kingdom 12
Brazil 9 Ghana 11 Malaysia 6 Reunion 11 Uruguay 9
Brunei 6 Gibraltar 11 Maldives 7 Romania 13 USA 13
Bulgaria 13 Greece 13 Mali 11 Russia(Moscow) 1 Uzbekistan 13
Burkina Faso 11 Greenland 13 Malta 7 Russia(others) 2 Vatican City 12
Burundi 11 Grenada 10 Marshall Islands 11 Rwanda 11 Venezuela 9
Cambodia 6 Guadeloupe 10 Martinique 10 Saba 10 Vietnam 6
Cameroon 11 Guam 11 Mauritania 11 Saint Barthélemy 10 Virgin Islands ( Britain ) 10
Canada 13 Guatemala 9 Mauritius 11 Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 Virgin Islands ( USA ) 10
Canary Islands 11 Guinea-Bissau 11 Mexico 4 Saint Lucia 10 Wallis and Futuna 11
Cape Verde 11 Guyana 9 Micronesia 11 Saint Martin 10 Yemen 7
Cayman Islands 10 Haiti 10 Moldova 13 Saint Vincent 10 Zaire 11
Chad 11 Honduras 5 Monaco 12 Saipan 11 Zambia 11
Chile 9 Hong Kong 5 Mongolia 11 Samoa 11 Zimbabwe 11
China 6 Hungary 13 Montenegro 13 San Marino 11
Colombia 9 Iceland 12 Montserrat 10 Saudi Arabia 7
Congo 11 India 7 Morocco 11 Senegal 11

  • Original passport dispatch to Moscow, other Russia’s towns invoiced as parcel, other original documents invoiced as documents.

  • Rates indicated in KZT. For express delivery rates from Moscow and other Russia’s towns implemented increasing index 1.5 to base rates

  • The cost of delivery is calculated based on the volumetric or actual weight.
    The heaviest weight is selected for calculation.
    The volumetric weight is determined by the following formula: L*W*H/5000, where L is the length, W is the width, H is the height of the parcel.

  • Price for Freight collect shipments from CIS and abroad countries to Kazakhstan on request

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